Monthly Archives: March 2009

Blogging takes like 5 minutes!

Whenever I’m on track with my diet and fitness, blogging is so easy. I LOVE posting what I’ve done. The other good part is that it really helps me hold myself accountable – I have to be truthful on the blog.

So you’ll notice I haven’t posted in a while, and pretty standard excuses. A large majority of the blame lies on me, but at least a small fraction is work. It is a really volitile situation – being in limbo, not knowing what is happening, not really having any REAL work to do, just lots of busy close-up-shop, keep customers happy work.

However, about a week ago, I had an incident happen while I was walking around (in jeans and a yoga top at 8:30 at night!!) in downtown Austin. I’m fine and I don’t care to elaborate, but I’m really glad I’m in such great shape. All I’m going to say, is that while not a violent person, you probably shouldn’t scare me. It didn’t turn out so well for that guy.

If you’re looking for my WOD, you won’t find it. I’ve had a good week and a half hiatus from being super active. I need to get it in gear! Another pledge to stay with it, keep posting, and hold myself accountable for my progress.